Samsung: Creating a New Ad for an Existing Ad Campaign

Here I am, writing my final blog for my Visual Communications class.  It has been a lot of work, but very rewarding.  This project is similar to my last one.  My mission is to create a new advertisement for an existing ad campaign.  The new ad I created was not to be identical, but it should look as if it were part of the same ad campaign.  I feel like the most difficult part of this project was choosing my original ad, the one that I was going to use for inspiration.  I finally chose the Samsung Television Ad that you see below.  Once I had completed the ad, I had to design a slide presentation which focused on several specific design talking points of the original ad and then showing how those same items are replicated in the new ad.  This campaign speaks to the parents who still have children at home.  Those who watch their children in activities and then want to come home and watch the video of it again on their television.  If you buy this television, it is like reliving the experience all over again.

Original Samsung Ad

The original Samsung ad shows a girls and butterflies in movement, appearing to come out of the television screen. Without using words, it is saying “bring your entertainment into you home”. I chose to use this same look, only there is a boy instead of a girl and the flying objects are kites instead of butterflies. The text box at the bottom on the new ad is changed to orange to match the boy’s shirt. The television in the new ad is from 2017 and currently being sold so I updated the yellow and black information boxes on the bottom left to reflect the new television information.

New Samsung Ad

Slide Presentation

I will let the slide presentation speaks for itself but I will discuss the slide design decisions that I made. It is difficult to see against the white background here on my blog, but the introduction slide, transition slides, and logo slide have a white background. For the other topic slides I chose a blue background that color matches the Samsung logo. I liked the “Samsung” blue against the blue sky in the ad, the two don’t compete with each other, the text is easy to read in white, but the focus is still on the ad. The light blue on the rectangle behind the photo and along the bottom are matched to the cloud color. The only other color I introduced was the pink on the title slide. That gives repetition to the pink on the advertisement. Initially I used only the Coco Gothic font which is a Sans Serif style. It is the same font used on the actual ad on the bottom colored text box of the new ad. Since the Samsung logo is also a Sans Serif I didn’t want to add a third font. However, I decided the first slide needed a little contrast to the sans serif font so I chose a decorative font called AR Darling for that slide only. The rectangles on the slides are chosen to ad repetition, repeating the rectangle on the ads. The text is right aligned to the ad. I have to admit, before this class I definitely would have centered it! I love it much more right aligned.


There were quite a few photos combined using Adobe Photoshop because the kites in the new ad were each individual photographs. I think the new ad fits with the original ad campaign nicely. If there were any design adjustment I would make, it would be to make the writing in the colored text boxes bigger. I chose not to do that in my new ad but keep the two ads the same on the bottom. I guess you could say I’m a fan of Samsung products. I’m watching a Samsung television in a few minutes in my family room. Merry Christmas!

Photography Credits


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